A Fake orchestra for the real ones

I got Abelton live 12 yesterday and it rocks, max starts up quicker, samples load quicker. Modulators are in their own subcategory. The only thing that I think kinda sucks is the tree view from the instruments is gone and replace with the tagging functionality which I personally don’t like (just because I’ve been doing the same thing since live 8).

Anyways here’s a quick thing I made using the orchestral set from Ablelton (which I didn’t realize was also available since live 7).

Also there’s native auto tune baby!

Captain Jack Loop-o

Another loop for the loop archives. The bass in the back sounds a bit like “someone great by lcd soundsystem?”

But they did it with analog synthesizers so I guess they’re better…(In addition to making full songs but let’s ignore that one).

Anxiety in Music Loop form

I’ve been using ableton for years and I never played too much around with the loop setting in operator.

Lower Left corner of the black box in the center

What this does is that it loops the pre-release portion of the envelope for the selected oscillator. This lets you make generative sounds that are just a bunch of pops and clicks. If you get creative with the chain settings ( the yellow, cyan, purple and orange boxes)

You can really make some weird stuff.

Loops McKenzie: The cool one of the group

Loops McKenzie: The cool one of the group

Yes, I’ve been slacking so I went back into Abelton as a therapeutic exercise.

Nothing special here, but it’s one of those things that I really should flesh out as a song. You can hear something more that if I spend more time on I’d probably get.

On the game front I’m struggling getting some of the physical animations to work. Mostly because 90% of the documentation assumes you have a human based skeleton, I’m working with this abnormal weirdness. But no worries it’s a matter of time at this point.

Loop City Feat. Me

I had another loop that I made a few days ago, which I didn’t like at first because it sounds very much like a videogame background music. However, I spent some time Eq-ing it and it’s quite pleasant (But it does sound like video game background music).

It reminded me of some early 2000’s indie games. Specifcally FEZ:

Which the comparison is definitely an insult to fez haha.

Abelton has a weird sampler…

Well it’s still simpler but the “slide” mode of the sampler where essentially each segment of the sample gets broken up into chunks that correspond with midi notes. Pretty sick if you’re looking for the linkin park effect from numb.

Pretty cool, I tried playing bass over this and I cant take the damn sound its making. I gotta feeling the fx board that was on the high knob is bad somehow and I need to replace it with just a capacitor somwhere else ala


This time I Make a tribute to (steal) a synth sound

This song is great, you should buy and listen to this song.

The primary synth is awsome, I’ve listened to this song like 100 times and it sounded like operator (subtractive synth) so I thought I would give it a shot.

I’m pretty sure I’ve got it 80% of the way there:

Pretty awesome sound, basically it’s a gross as hell chain that then gets some LFO automation on each note.

Here’s me cycling through the operator settings

Pretty awesome I think if I tweaked it further I could get it perfect but ripping someone elses synth is only cool for pure education purporses.

Stream the real song.