Another FPS Model

Spent some time today setting up and rigging an assault rifle for the game.

It’s still kind blocky but any more effort on this would end up being on details that are un-needed. My main goal with my current modeling streak is to rush a bunch of stuff in game to make a simple fps.

It seems to be looking fine in unreal also.

Now that I have two bonified animated weapons in game (I’m aggressive not doing any reloads, just goldeneye style hide weapon reloads) I can start working the enemy side.

I have some ideas but mostly I’m thinking some kind of drones rushing you and moving in inhuman ways. I have a start here but I think I need to redo the legs/locomotion of this guy.

Which I honestly love the idea of a robot that had a gun stupidly stuck to its head by a redneck super-villian. But the more I look at this guy the more simplistic it seems. I was going for capturing the vibe of modern robotic arms (such as: ) but I don’t think they actually look as cool as I wanted.

I am, however, proud of this top portion:

Maybe not so in execution but definitely in concept. I could take down some of the work I need to do if I just re-use models on the enemies. If I get a good single enemy variant down I can just throw other weapons on top to provide differing variety of enemies.

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